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Morphological and structural cues are essential components of a complete data package that enables relevant and meaningful decision-making.  The microBrain functional organoid platform of complex neural 2D co-cultures or 3D spheroids/organoids cultures enables multiparametric assessment of neurotoxicity and phenotypic characterization across functional, morphological, and structural endpoints.


Our scientific team is well-versed in a variety of high content imaging endpoints that can be customized to fit your specific needs. Standard and confocal imaging and immunocytochemical and staining techniques can be utilized across a variety of endpoints including (but not limited to):

  • Cell population characteristics and subcellular localization

  • Cellular, neurite, and synaptic remodeling

  • Mitochondrial health and nuclear morphology

  • Viability and apoptosis

  • And much, more...


From feasibility assessment to assay development, implementation, and reporting, StemoniX offers a highly customizable, interactive, and transparent process to generate the data that will move your programs forward. 


Contact our scientific team now to identify the best assays for your needs!




Right: Neurite outgrowth measured using microBrain 3D neural spheroids

RTT neurite outgrowth - 96h - 10X_O09.tif

Below: Synapses investigated using microBrain 2D neural cultures (Image courtesy Front. Cell. Neurosci., 17 October 2019)

Human cells synapses.jpg

Above: Imaging of microBrain 3D neural spheroids shows their complex nature.

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