Morphological and structural cues are essential components of a complete data package that enables relevant and meaningful decision-making. The microBrain functional organoid platform of complex neural 2D co-cultures or 3D spheroids/organoids cultures enables multiparametric assessment of neurotoxicity and phenotypic characterization across functional, morphological, and structural endpoints.
Our scientific team is well-versed in a variety of high content imaging endpoints that can be customized to fit your specific needs. Standard and confocal imaging and immunocytochemical and staining techniques can be utilized across a variety of endpoints including (but not limited to):
Cell population characteristics and subcellular localization
Cellular, neurite, and synaptic remodeling
Mitochondrial health and nuclear morphology
Viability and apoptosis
And much, more...
From feasibility assessment to assay development, implementation, and reporting, StemoniX offers a highly customizable, interactive, and transparent process to generate the data that will move your programs forward.
Contact our scientific team now to identify the best assays for your needs!
Right: Neurite outgrowth measured using microBrain 3D neural spheroids
Above: Imaging of microBrain 3D neural spheroids shows their complex nature.